
Swad Alsi (Flax) Seeds (14 oz)

Swad Alsi (Flax) Seeds (14 oz)

Coming soon

Alsi Flax seeds or Alsi are not commonly included in our daily diet, but those tiny,They have a hard but smooth and shiny outer shell. The colour of this seed ranges from deep amber to reddish brown. It has a warm, kind of nutty and earthy flavour. brown seeds pack a lot of health benefits that you might not know about. Containing Omega-3 fatty acids (also known as ‘good fat’), lignans (rich in antioxidants and estrogen content) and fibre, flaxseeds are great for your health Lignans present in flaxseed, are known having flaxseed on a daily basis can help maintain your health levels over an extended period of time. Apart from having flax seeds, there are other natural ways to health

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Patel Brothers

2610 W. Devon Avenue, Chicago - 60659
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