
Hashmi Joshanda Herbal Tea (5.29 oz)

Hashmi Joshanda Herbal Tea (5.29 oz)

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We introduce Hashmi Joshanda as an all-season herbal tea which has its reflections in various past medicinal systems like the very popular Ayurvedic system and Unani Medicine system also known as Tibb.Hashmi Joshanda-herbal tea imbibes in it the standard formulation of 12 time-tested herbs to protect you from the effects of changing weather and pollution soot that affect your entire health and make you vulnerable to allopathic medicines developing side effects with time. Hashmi Joshanda-herbal tea is made for every member of your family with a philosophy of providing 12-months shield with 12 efficacious herbs with a claim of pure ingredients that promise something more than cure.So for the next time you get sick, a comforting cup of Hashmi Joshanda-herbal tea with its unique 12-herbs profile is a soothing way to give the very-first home therapy to ease the illness.

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Patel Brothers

2610 W. Devon Avenue, Chicago - 60659
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